
Welcome to the Home page for the Curtin Residents Association.  Recent CRA postings are below.

To contact us email info@curtinresidents.asn.au .

If you are a CRA member you can add a posting to the site by sending an email or text to any Committee Member,  or email to info@curtinresidents.asn.au .


Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Questions to Candidates for the ACT Election October 2024

We asked four questions on issues related to Curtin planning, transport, and living conditions, to all of the parties and independent candidates for the Murrumbidgee electorate in the ACT Legislative Assembly elections 2024.

The summary of their answers is here ElectionResponsesSummary

The full comments that they made are on a separate page here ElectionPartyResponses-V4.

Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Pots to Plots Spring Fair 2024

Curtin Pots to Plots Spring fair is on the morning of Saturday 12 October 2024
in Curtin Square.

Pots-to-Plots: Curtins Spring Fair 

9:30am to 12:30pm, Saturday 12th October in the Square at Curtin Shops

Picture 1


Pots to Plots: Curtin’s Spring Fair celebrates Spring, Floriade and gardens and promotes plants, gardening and the importance of green spaces and plants in our urban environment.

 There will be a mix of sales and information stalls at the Fair. Keen gardeners will be able to purchase quality native plants from Cool Country Natives and very local plants from the Curtin Trees and Gardens Group. You will also be able to purchase fruits of the garden such as jams and chutney from local Curtin makers.

There are many regeneration projects happening in our parks and along Curtin Ridge. Come and find out about them: there may be one close to where you live. Learn how to use NatureMapr to report sightings of plants and animals. Learn about Native bees and make a bee hotel. Get the kids to decorate a pot and plant a seed.

There will be live music so if you wish come for the music and good cheer.

It’s the final Saturday of Floriade. The flowers at Curtin shops were planted by the Curtin Trees and Garden Group and are part of the ACT Governments Floriade Community.

Pots to Plots is a collaboration between the Curtin Residents Association and the Curtin Trees and Gardens Group and is supported by a grant from the ACT Government.

Posted in Curtin, Curtin General, Uncategorized

Winter Solstice event in Curtin Square Saturday 22 June 2024

Winter Solstice in the square

Saturday afternoon 2pm – 5pm

22 June

Kids activities, live music and Morris dancers.

Be there AND be in the square!

Posted in Curtin, Curtin General

North Curtin residential development proposal suggestions for submissions – close 18 June

Here are our suggested points to help make submissions on the North Curtin residential proposal for 1,300 dwellings on the eastern (Yarra Glen) side of the horse paddocks area. The western side is intended for diplomatic developments.

Points for submissions about the North Curtin Residential Area

To make a submission by Tuesday 18 June 2024, email EPSDDcomms@act.gov.au

Planning must foster the creation of a community rather than simply focus on the number of dwellings.

Given the position of the site within its broader urban context and the problems to be solved to create a workable community, including access and the need for on-site shops, services and community facilities, the proposed number of dwellings (approximately 1,300) and number of people (approximately 2,500) are too high.

A medium, rather than high, density development would be a significant densification project for Canberra and a major contribution to the ACT’s need for housing.

A medium density development – one with a dwelling and population density similar to Braddon or Kingston – would be a significant densification project for Canberra and a major contribution to the ACT’s need for housing (as identified in the ACT Housing Choices report).

A new residential suburb but not being planned as one

The planned population of about 2,500 people is 80% of the population of the adjacent suburbs of Yarralumla to the north and Deakin to the west and 45% of Curtin to the south.  (Curtin is a ‘double suburb’ in the size of its population and its area.)  So, the planned population of the new North Curtin Residential Area is equivalent to a new residential suburb.

(The population of nearby suburbs from the 2021 census is: Curtin: 5,569 people; Hughes: 3,210; Deakin 3,124; and, Yarralumla 3,120.)

Consequently, planning for the development of the new North Curtin Residential Area must be done in the same way as for establishing a new residential suburb in Canberra.  This will include a planning for:

  • a range of local community facilities
  • roads and traffic, particularly impact on nearby roads which are already congested
  • walkability – pedestrian and cycle paths within the area and connectivity with surrounding areas and public transport
  • diversity of housing choices
  • “green” open space, both public and private, and tree canopy cover

However, this not happening.  So, for example, it must not be assumed that the demands of such a large number of people can be added to existing retail, services and education infrastructure in Curtin or Yarralumla. There must be some local facilities within walking distance of the new residences.

Very constrained access by vehicles, pedestrians and active wheeled travel

The new North Curtin Residential Area is essentially inaccessible from two sides and access is very constrained from the other two sides.

  • To the east no access is permitted from Yarra Glen (a condition from the National Capital Plan).
  • Yarralumla Creek is the southern boundary.
  • The planned Diplomatic Estate is on the western boundary.
  • Cotter Road, a very busy road that’s already congested during peak hour, is the northern boundary.

These constraints on access mean that this relatively small area of 13.1 hectares is not suitable for housing the large number of people (about 2,500) proposed in the current development plan as a large number of people will be moving in and out of a relatively small area via very limited connections to existing infrastructure.  This problem will be particularly acute at peak hour – morning and evening.

Planning for the new residential area must include reasonably direct connections – not dog-legged, winding pathways – to one or both of Curtin group centre or Yarralumla local centre for (segregated) pedestrian and active wheeled travel, as well as car travel.

Access to existing and new public transport on Cotter Rd and Yarra Glen must be made a priority in planning the area not left to be an emergent, second-class outcome of the development. Additional local bus services must be considered.

The large number of people and high population density proposed for new North Curtin Residential Area must be discussed now, so that development can be planned in a holistic way.

The planned population density for the north Curtin site (approximately 19,000 people per sq km) is almost 4 times higher than Braddon and Kingston – the Canberra suburbs with the highest population density – and about the same as Chippendale and Haymarket – the areas of Sydney with the highest population density.

(ACT areas with the highest density at June 2023 were:

  • Kingston (5,100 people per sq km)
  • Braddon (5,000)

NSW: The areas with the highest density at June 2023 were:

  • Sydney (South) – Haymarket (21,000 people per sq km)
  • Chippendale (20,000), to the south of Sydney’s city centre)

The 1,300 dwellings proposed by the ACT Government and the number of people this translates to would result in a high population density. This is presented as a predetermined choice made by the ACT Government.  There are consequences of this choice that must be discussed now, so that the new North Curtin development can be planned in a holistic way.

Traffic congestion, unsustainable pressure on existing facilities and an urban heat island

Some of the consequences of the large number of people and high population density are:

Roads and traffic congestion

 A large number of people would be moving in and out of a relatively small area, especially at peak hour.  Existing surrounding roads – Cotter Road, McCulloch St, Dudley St, Kent St and Yarra Glen – are already congested.  The proposed development would make a bad situation worse.

The “Mint Interchange” needs to be built so that traffic can flow from Cotter Road on to Yarra Glen towards Woden and traffic coming from the south can flow from Yarra Glen on to Cotter Road.

Traffic modelling undertaken for the Canberra Brickworks redevelopment by AECOM and SMEC in 2012-13 demonstrated that a major interchange “The Mint Interchange” will be required to provide access to the West Deakin commercial centre to prevent the roads from being overwhelmed, light rail notwithstanding. The ACT Government advised at the time that the construction of the interchange would be considered in the planning for Stage2B of Light Rail from Civic to Woden.

The additional number of people using Cotter Rd from this development makes implementing this improved interchange an essential precondition, not an afterthought. Traffic must be able to flow on to Yarra Glen towards Woden, as well as on to Adelaide Avenue towards the Inner South and Civic, and traffic coming from the south can flow from Yarra Glen on to Cotter Road.

Local facilities

Existing retail, services and education infrastructure in Curtin or Yarralumla are already heavily used, with parking at the Curtin and Yarralumla shops already difficult. There must be some local facilities within walking distance of the new residences.  Also, a major advantage of high population density is ‘walkability’, the ability to walk to a diverse range of local facilities, as in Chippendale, for example

The demographic of the people in the new residential area must also be taken into account now.  On current plans most households in the new North Curtin Residential Area would be couples without children or a single person.  This demographic has a distinct demand for facilities within walking distance within the development area that has to be incorporated in planning.

Urban heat island and water runoff

The large number of dwellings planned for the site, combined with the fact that most of the area is already a heat island, mean that it is essential to avoid the creation of an urban heat island with all the adverse consequences it would create for residents’ well-being.  Tree canopy cover in residential areas needs to be greater than 40% in order to provide cooling during the hottest part of the day when people are most vulnerable to the adverse health impact of urban heat islands.

The large number of dwellings planned for the site would also increase runoff from this area by adding buildings, roads and pavement.  This would increase run-off during rain and studies will be needed to manage flooding in Yarralumla Creek.  This is an opportunity to start naturalising the Yarralumla Creek. Despite the potential for heavy rainfall in its catchment, this should be no harder than naturalising Sullivan’s Creek. Doing so would open recreation space for the new residents and create a blue-green wildlife corridor between Red Hill and the Molonglo River valley.

Overall, the trade-off between hard surfaces (buildings, roads, pavement) and soft, permeable (‘green’) open space is critical and should be discussed now rather than left to be an emergent outcome of the development.

Not family-friendly

The 1,300 dwellings proposed for the 13.1 hectare area of the new North Curtin Residential Area will discriminate against households with children; that is, it is not ‘family-friendly’.

During his interview on ABC Radio Canberra on 8th May, Jeremy Smith, Executive Group Manager in the ACT’s Planning Directorate, said that the typology of housing planned for the new North Curtin Residential Area would result in on average about 1.7 people per dwelling.  Existing ACT suburbs with this number of people per household are Braddon and Kingston, both with 1.8 people per household (from the 2021 census).  So, the typology of housing planned for the new North Curtin Residential Area can be expected to be similar to that in Braddon and Kingston and result in relatively few dwellings being suitable for families with children.

(From the 2021 census Canberra as a whole has 1 child/household; Braddon has 0.1 children/household; Kingston has 0.2 children/household.)

Even so, the current plan would result in an additional 250 children requiring child care and primary schools. Primary school growth in North Woden is planned to be in Garran, way beyond walking or cycling distance for a child of primary-school age, and will result in increased traffic flow from the area towards Woden.

Not consistent with the National Capital Plan

The new North Curtin Residential Area is part of the Curtin Diplomatic Precinct and so is designated land within the National Capital Plan.  Consequently, development must satisfy the objectives for designated land.  These include that planning must provide a landscape response which supports the image of a garden city of national and international significance.

This objective can be met by buildings of a height up to 3 to 4 storeys as this is typically not greater than the height of the mature tree canopy.  The current plan, which is dominated by 6 and 9 storey buildings, does not meet this ‘garden city’ objective.

An opportunity for the ACT Government

The new North Curtin Residential Area is an excellent opportunity to create a medium density precinct – one with a dwelling and population density that’s similar to Braddon, which is on a light-rail corridor, or Kingston – that delivers on two key planning priorities for Canberra:

  • Plan for more housing in and around key precincts, shops and rapid transport connections.
  • Enable diverse housing choices and increase the number of dwellings in the missing middle, such as townhouses, terrace homes and low-rise apartment living.

A medium density development would be a significant densification project for Canberra and a major contribution to the ACT’s need for housing (as identified in the ACT Housing Choices report).  It would demonstrate that densification can occur in a way that:

  • is ‘family-inclusive’; and,
  • does not create urban heat islands with their adverse consequences for equity and well-being of Canberrans.

The new North Curtin Residential Area can also be a showcase example of high class planning and development under the view of Canberra’s diplomatic community.


Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Autumn Fair! Saturday 18 May – NOT 11 May – 2024

The wonderful Curtin Autumn Fair rolls round again. Saturday 11 May  18 May  10am-2pm

postponed to Saturday 18 May because of bad weather forecast on 11 May 

The annual event in Curtin Square, always a winner for everyone! There will be multiple stalls selling locally produced jams and pickles, secondhand books, handmade toys, lavender pots … handmade gifts. Tai Chi demonstrations.
With sausage sizzle, and music.

Free entry of course.


Posted in Curtin General

Comments called for north Curtin residential development

The ACT government has a call for comments on its Your Say site
on the proposal to develop 1,300 dwellings on its part of the north Curtin horse paddocks site.
The larger part of the site is reserved for future diplomatic estate to be planned by the National Capital Authority.

Comments close on 11 June. See the Your Say website for details.

Chris Johnson presented a summary of the main issues (PDF) at the WVCC meeting on Weds 1 May.

The Government says it wants to hear about

  • The variety and size of housing types
  • Type and scale of public open spaces
  • Landscape design options
  • Opportunities for supporting land uses within the residential area, such as cafes, small scale retail and community facilities
  • Planning for sustainability and climate resilience
  • Transport and access

but the survey restricts you to multiple choice replies on some of these.

Our quick summary response

  • This proposal is for very dense housing: it packs the population of a suburb into a small area
  • It needs to be planned as a new suburb, not as an extension that depends on existing services
  • The light rail as it is being planned does not provide any service to this development

See the pdf link above for our comments on

Numbers • Transport • Education • Green environment • Housing types

and see this our media release calling for a pause in the call for comments until more information is provided

MEDIA RELEASE North Curtin 3 times as dense as Singapore with no facilities

Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Public Meeting 18 February 2024: dementia village and election issues

Woden Uniting Church Hall     3pm Sunday 18 February

For members and the general community:
the Curtin Residents Association ran a public community meeting on Sunday 18th February
at the Woden Uniting Church hall on Gillies St.

for everyone interested in the ongoing development of Curtin and its services and infrastructure.
There were two topics:

1. The proposed village-style dementia facility to be built at the old North Curtin Primary School site on Carruthers St (where the Emergency Services Agency was based).
The Suburban Land Agency is handling the tender process for the development. The SLA was be at our meeting to present information on the development and their progress with community consultation.

2. Ideas ahead of the 2024 ACT elections: we want to hear what issues you suggest the CRA should advocate to candidates in this 2024 election year.

Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Copies of the presentations at Public Meeting and AGM 26 Nov 2023

Here are the slide shows that were presented at the public meeting and AGM on 26 November 2023 in PDF.

This includes


Posted in Current Issues, Curtin

Public meeting and AGM Sunday 26 November 2023

The Annual General Meeting and a public meeting will be held on Sunday 26 November

The AGM starts 3pm, public meeting at 3.30. Woden Uniting Church, Gillies St, Curtin.

  • AGM agenda: reports and elections. 3pm
    • nominations for office bearers and committee members will be accepted at the meeting,
      or up until midnight Saturday 25 Nov by email or on paper:
      print a form from here: Committee nomination form 22Nov23
  • Refreshments tea, coffee, cakes from 3.15pm
  • public meeting 3.30pm
    • brief on current issues
      • ACT and NCA planning, North Curtin residential area (horse paddocks)
      • the Wesley Mission proposal for supported housing on the Block
      • areas identified for infill in the Woden District Strategy
      • nature reserve in Curtin Park (Illoura horse area)
    • a longer presentation from the Suburban Land Authority on the village-style dementia facility that is planned for the site of the North Curtin primary school.


Posted in Current Issues

CRA submission to government on Demolition proposal for North Curtin Primary School site

The Residents Association has made a submission of comments on the Development Application (DA) for demolition of the North Curtin Primary School buildings, ahead of intended redevelopment as a village style residential dementia care facility.
Follow this link for the full 3 page submission in PDF CRA Representation DA202341633.

Here is a summary:

The primary area of concern is tree protection and preservation. Traffic management is also a concern.

The critical importance of tree protection and preservation

Protecting and preserving the existing trees on the site is critically important for two reasons:

(1) mitigating the urban heat island effect because of its adverse impact on the health and well-being of future elderly residents and (2) meeting the ACT Government’s objective of protecting and enhancing habitat in the ACT’s blue-green network.

Improving proposed actions to protect and preserve trees

The proposed actions proposed in the development application to protect and preserve trees are generally good; however, some improvements are necessary to (1) increase the protection of trees from damage during the demolition process and (2) increase the number of existing trees retained.

Traffic management

Effective and safe traffic management for streets adjacent to the site will be crucial.

While Carruthers St is a secondary route with a wide carriageway, Storey, Jenkins and Prendergast Streets are narrow. They do not have footpaths. Storey Street is a cul de sac. Consequently, they are not suitable for large or heavy vehicles.

Posted in Curtin