WINTER SOLSTICE event 2pm Saturday 24 June 2023

It’s as close to the Winter Solstice as we can get on a weekend!

Winter Solstice in Curtin Square
at the shops

Saturday 24 June 2023

Hot Live Music

Family Fun Activities

Walk the labyrinth

Sausage Sizzle by Curtin Primary School P&C

Come along and have fun in the square!

A Curtin Residents Association Community Project


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Tables in the Square 2023 – Saturday 13 May

We are having a mini-fair this Autumn, named Tables in the Square.
There will be just a few tables of things to buy, be informed, exchange.

Saturday 13 May  –  10am-2pm – Curtin Square

with a free sausage sizzle by Woden Valley Community Council

There are tables with

  • jam for sale
  • books for sale, to swap, to donate
  • plants and garden stuff
  • cakes
  • craft
  • residents association information
  • local environment information


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Submissions and comments on the ACT Planning Review

The ACT Government planning review closed for comments on 3 March.

Here is the Curtin Residents Association Submission (with corrections).

If you would like to have your own submission published here please send as an email attachment to

The government has published 80 written submissions from across Canberra at under the heading Written Submissions, which is found about one third down the page.

All our recommended comments

these were published and put into Curtin letterboxes before submissions closed

Links to the draft plans and strategies

Posted in Current Issues

ACT Government planning strategy

Here is the information page on Curtin Residents Association views on the planning strategy with the links to more information and to the Government YourSay page.

Posted in Current Issues

Active Travel Plan – CRA comments August 2022

The ACT Government published its proposed Active Travel Plan for comments in August 2022.

The CRA made a three page submission including the points outlined in our August newsletter.
Link here for our Active Travel Plan submission, including the relevant map of linkages and pathways in the Curtin Group Centre Master Plan.
The key points in our submission are:

The intent of the ACT Government’s Draft Active Travel Plan—More Canberrans walking and cycling more often to improve quality of life—is welcome. However, the Plan focuses far too much on areas close to shops and schools for walking and on cycling between Group and Town Centres.

The objective of More Canberrans walking and cycling more often will only be realised if the focus of this Plan is a person’s whole journey, from home to destination, and not just those parts of that journey that are covered by the current Draft.

Recreational walking and cycling are also important for realising the objective as are trips  to the shops and other local services; however, they are neglected in this Draft Plan. The measures of success on page 10 of the Draft Plan are narrowly focused on work-related travel: they must be expanded to include recreational walking and cycling, and trips to the shops and other local services.

Discussion of e-mobility technologies in the Draft Plan is too near-term. In the relatively near-term (roughly the next five years) more people may prefer to use a small electric vehicle (a three-wheeler, like those used for postal delivery) rather than a car for short local trips but would not use an e-scooter or electric-boosted bicycle. These small electric vehicles would make a journey easier than walking and give some shelter from the weather for local shopping and other visits. They should be included in the ACT’s Active Travel Plan.

Improving infrastructure for walking, cycling and e-mobility within Curtin is a prerequisite if more Curtin residents are to walk, cycle and use e-mobility devices more often to improve their quality of life. This extends to the surrounding district: connections with adjoining suburbs and the nearby Town Centre.


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Recent Submissions on DAs and Policy: Statesman Hotel and tree canopy

The Curtin Residents Association made a submission to ACT government concerning the DA for the Statesman Hotel 20 July 2022.

The submission is linked here FinalRepnStatesmanDA202240293 (PDF)

We wrote to Minister Gentleman April 2022 with concern that DV369 the Draft Variation to the territory plan to ensure better tree canopy cover had been eviscerated – and there is no sign of the fix that he promised.  The letter is linked here DV369 CRA April2022-final (PDF)



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financial report 2021

Audit – Curtin Residents Assoc Inc 2021

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AGM report for 2021 – minutes

minutes of AGM 2021 (Feb 19 2021)

Minutes from Curtin Residents Association

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Dated: 21 February 2021



  • Welcome
  • Reports
    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Membership
  • Election of new committee
  • Refreshments
  • Guest Speakers:
    • Evan Mann will speak about the ‘My Home’ development.
    • Fiona Carrick on the need for infrastructure in Woden.
    • Ian Elsum will talk about the development of the new Curtin Diplomatic precinct.

President Chris Johnson introduced himself and opened the meeting by welcoming all members and guests. Chris then explained that the AGM had been deferred from November last year because of COVID 19.


         Lynne Johnson

         Ivan Johnstone

         Max McGregor

         Pam Swaffield

         Peter Forster

         Louise Moran


President’s Report (attached) Chris Johnson:

  • Thanks to all members who have assisted during the year;
  • The only event that was held was ‘Welcome to Spring’ (part of Floriade);
  • Chris explained that the CRA is an umbrella organisation for groups such as the gardening club;
  • The gardening club has been involved in:
    • Adopt a Park
    • Floriade
    • Permanent planting at the Fred Ward Aged Care Facility
  • The building development at 41-44 Curtin Place continues. The number of public toiles will be two, down from the previous three, despite correspondence with the Ministers for Planning (Mick Gentleman) and for City Services (local member Chris Steel).The plans finally approved for development are not available to the public, which makes scrutiny of it meeting the conditions difficult.
  • Nine CRA newsletters have been produced since the last AGM.

Treasurer’s Report (attached) Monica Pflaum:

  • Monica stated that minor variations in the report are because of the timings in Grant issue;
  • The books are in order and will be submitted with the auditor’s report to the ACT Government


Membership Report (attached) Ann Parkinson:

  • Ann pointed out the decrease in membership
    • Committee is looking into ways to increase our membership and would appreciate any ideas from CRA members
  • Event organisation (such as Autumn Fair, Midwinter Solstice, Jam Fest, Post to Plots) are under the CRA umbrella
  • Ann thanked members who have been involved in these events for their time, skills, and organisational abilities. Specifically, Ann extended a big thank you to Liz Lester for all her hard work across all events
  • Ann pointed out that we can only run events with the help of members, and has put out a big call for volunteers
    • We need members to lead these events (not just committee members)
  • Feedback from members was requested by show of hands for two events to be held this year. These are:
    • Autumn Fair, and
    • Welcome to Spring

The reports were moved to be accepted by Joan ….. and seconded by Evan Mann.



Chris invited Evan Mann (a long standing member of CRA) to officiate the election of a new committee. All positions were declared vacant.

Nominations for all positions were received:

President               Chris Johnson

Vice President        Ian Elsum

Treasurer              Monica Pflaum

Secretary               Anne Brown-Bryan

Ordinary Members   Robin Stanton

Ann Parkinson (Membership)

Julia Tresidder


The AGM paused for refreshments at 2.30pm, and guest speakers at 2.45pm.

The meeting closed at 4pm.




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AGM 21 February 2021

Annual General Meeting is called for 2-4pm Sunday 21 Feb

at St James Church hall, Gillies St

Details are in the latest newsletter sent to members on 7th Feb.

Nominations are called for officebearers and committee members: here is a nomination form.

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Curtin Welcomes Spring 2020

It’s a small fair, rather than a full-blown festival – but we want to welcome spring! The Residents Association and the Curtin Garden Group have planted some of the bulbs that were destined for Floriade – the flower show is being opened with a small fair of eight stalls on Saturday morning 26th September. It’s socially spaced out, on the Carruthers St side of the shops.

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